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At Right Angles to Reality Redux

by Brian Cameron, Paul Hill, Richard Hands and Bruce Walton

26 Oct 2024

Anerley Town Hall

Game fee is £35.00

A game of Gothic Horror set in a small New England town in 1924. Some seek the power of dark gods, some to save the world! What will your investigations reveal? Based on the first version run in 2006.

Two Brush Strokes

by Dave Boundy

23 Nov 2024

Anerley Town Hall

Game fee is £35.00

The Megagame of China in 1929. This is a political and operational game involving warlords, nationalists, communists, Soviet Russians and Japanese. You will be a very senior figure making hard military, economic and political decisions.

Cancellation Policy

  • Up to two weeks prior to the event, 50% of the game fee can be claimed (less any bank/PayPal fee incurred).
  • Less than two weeks prior to the event, the game fee is non-refundable.
  • If the megagame is canceled due to :
      The fault of the venue owners then MM will refund as much as we can after recovering the hall fee and taking account of out of pocket expenses.
      Circumstances outside our control such as freak weather conditions, riot, acts of terrorism, invasion by bug-eyed Martians etc no refund will be due though we would try to refund something if we can.
  • If something serious happens to the game designer/game materials at the last minute (such as a house fire destroying all the game maps and counters the night before the game), MM will try to run the game if possible. If a last minute cancellation is unavoidable we will reimburse players as much as possible after the hall hire and direct expenses have been met.