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The Last Emperor of Mexico

by Johan Soh Olofsson

24 May 2025

Anerley Town Hall

Game fee is £35.00

1861. Mexico is falling into civil war between a progressive President, reactionary land owners, and bandit-generals. The French have taken the opportunity to appoint their own Emperor of Mexico, Maximilian von Habsburg, and impose him on all parties. What could possibly go wrong?

This list shows an archive of community events since 2017. Prior to that, the list of Megagame Makers games is complete, but other Megagames have a gap from 2014 (when the first community events took place in numbers).

1stMemphis Manglernot known UKPaddy GriffithWidely regarded as the first real megagame. Organised by the late Paddy Griffith

1stNoviCamberley UKPaddy Griffith and Jim Wallman

1stKirovogradCamberley UKAndy Grainger

1stKirovograd 2Camberley UKAndy Grainger

1stGuns of AugustCamberley UKAndy Grainger and Paddy Griffith

1stBlood & ThunderCamberley UKJim Wallman

1stOperation Market GardenCamberley UKJim Wallman

1stClouds in the WestCamberley UKAndy Grainger
2ndBattle of BritainCamberley UKAndy GraingerFirst use of computers in a megagame (to programme the German attacks)
3rdFinal FrontierBeckenham UKJim WallmanFirst SF megagame
4thFinal Frontier 2Beckenham UKJim Wallman

1stSpringtime for HitlerCamberley UKMegagame Makers

1stBattle of Britain 1Westminster School London UKMegagame Makers the 50th anniversary game

1stDreams of EmpireLondon UKMegagame MakersNapoleonic Wars

1stFinal Frontier 4London UKMegagame MakersSF

January 1992
1stDreams of Empire 2London UKMegagame MakersNapoleonic Wars

February 1992
8thStar Jihad (FF5)London UKMegagame MakersSF

April 1992
5thCrisis in the DesertCamberley UKMegagame MakersWW2

June 1992
13thMaster of EuropeLondon UKMegagame MakersNapoleonic Wars

July 1992
11thBerserkerLondon UKMegagame MakersSF

October 1992
11thUnfinished BusinessCamberley UKMegagame Makerslater 20th C

November 1992
7thBerserker 2London UKMegagame MakersSF

December 1992
5thMaster of Europe 2London UKMegagame MakersNapoleonic Wars

January 1993
1stSerenity StationLondon UKMegagame MakersSF
16thFirst Contact(FF6)London UKMegagame MakersSF

February 1993
13thCrisis in BrittaniaLondon UKMegagame MakersAncient
20thStarship TrooperLondon UKMegagame MakersSF

April 1993
24thDreams of Empire 3London UKMegagame MakersNapoleonic Wars

May 1993
15thLand of the GodsLondon UKMegagame MakersJapan

June 1993
12thFinal Frontier 1.1London UKMegagame MakersSF

July 1993
24thOuter WorldsLondon UKMegagame MakersSF

September 1993
25thOperation Market Garden 2Camberley UKMegagame MakersWW2

October 1993
23rdTranquility StationLondon UKMegagame MakersSF

November 1993
27thFire and SteelLondon UKMegagame MakersWW2

December 1993
11thPax BrittanicaLondon UKMegagame MakersAncient

January 1994
1stKirovograd 3Camberley UKMegagame MakersWW2

February 1994
26thAssault on Warlock MountainLondon UKMegagame MakersFantasy

March 1994
26thAncien RegimeLondon UKMegagame Makers18th C

May 1994
7thSengokuLondon UKMegagame MakersClassical Japan

June 1994
11thDeath of FascismCamberley UKMegagame MakersWW2

July 1994
23rd1494London UKMegagame Makers15th C

September 1994
24thReturn to Warlock MountainLondon UKMegagame MakersFantasy

November 1994
26thMore Unfinished BusinessCamberley UKMegagame Makerslater 20th C

January 1995
28thSend a GunboatLondon UKMegagame Makers19th C

March 1995
25thAncien Regime 2London UKMegagame Makers18th C

June 1995
17thDeath of Fascism 2Camberley UKMegagame MakersWW2

July 1995
22ndHome Before the Leaves FallCamberley UKMegagame MakersWW1

October 1995
1stWar Without an EnemyLondon UKMegagame Makers17th C

December 1995
1stClouds in the West 3London UKMegagame MakersAncient

January 1996
1stSend a Gunboat 2London UKMegagame Makers19th C

February 1996
10thSengoku NiLondon UKMegagame MakersClassical Japan

March 1996
23rdSpanish UlcerLondon UKMegagame MakersNapoleonic Wars

May 1996
11th1494 Once MoreLondon UKMegagame Makers15th C

July 1996
27thCruel VoidLondon UKMegagame MakersSF

September 1996
7thGod Wills ItLondon UKMegagame MakersMediaeval - Europe

November 1996
8thReturn to YendorLondon UKMegagame MakersFantasy

June 1997
14thAD69London UKMegagame MakersAncient

July 1997
12thCruel Void 2London UKMegagame MakersSF

September 1997
20thWar Without an Enemy 2London UKMegagame Makers17th C

October 1997
25thRussian Civil WarLondon UKMegagame Makersearly 20th C

December 1997
6thYendor TriumphantLondon UKMegagame MakersFantasy

February 1998
14thCrisis in BinniLondon UKMegagame Makerslater 20th C

March 1998
14thAweary of the SunLondon UKMegagame MakersSF

May 1998
16thClash of TitansLondon UKMegagame MakersWW2

July 1998
11thCongress of ViennaLondon UKMegagame MakersNapoleonic Wars

September 1998
19thA King for BohemiaLondon UKMegagame Makers17th C

October 1998
17thSpanish Ulcer 2London UKMegagame MakersNapoleonic Wars

November 1998
14thBerserker 0101London UKMegagame MakersSF

May 1999
8thNational RazorLondon UKMegagame Makers18th C

June 1999
19thBreakout from NormandyLondon UKMegagame MakersWW2

October 1999
23rdStill Unfinished BusinessLondon UKMegagame Makerslater 20th C

November 1999
20thShameless and Impudent LordsLondon UKMegagame MakersMediaeval - Europe

March 2000
11thSengoku SanLondon UKMegagame MakersClassical Japan

June 2000
3rdA Wolf by the EarsLondon UKMegagame MakersWWII

October 2000
14thUrsa MajorLondon UKMegagame MakersSF

November 2000
25thMore Dreams of EmpireLondon UKMegagame Makers19th C

February 2001
24thWashington ConferenceStreatham UKMegagame Makersat Eardley school

April 2001
7thRevenge of the RobotsNorbury UKMegagame Makers

June 2001
9thAnother Crisis in BinniStreatham UKMegagame Makers

September 2001
29thCity of GodStreatham UKMegagame Makers

November 2001
24thLenin on the WireLondon UKMegagame Makersearly 20th C

January 2002
26thBarbarossa 1941: Clash of TitansLondon UKMegagame MakersWW2

March 2002
16thProsperity StationLondon UKMegagame MakersSF

June 2002
29thCrisis in RuritaniaLondon UKMegagame Makers19th C

October 2002
19thCrisis in BritanniaLondon UKMegagame MakersAncient

November 2002
23rdKnocking the Props awayLondon UKMegagame MakersWW1

May 2003
17thNapoleon In IndiaLondon UKMegagame Makers18th C

June 2003
14thShameless and Impudent Lords 2London UKMegagame MakersMediaeval - Europe

April 2004
3rdOperation Market Garden UKMegagame MakersWW2

May 2004
8thRuins of AvalonLondon UKMegagame MakersSF

June 2004
19thFuneral GamesLondon UKMegagame MakersAncient

October 2004
16thThe Wind that Swept MexicoLondon UKMegagame Makers20th C

January 2005
22ndAlea Iacta Est!London UKMegagame MakersAncient

March 2005
19thQuadrant ZeroLondon UKMegagame MakersSF

October 2005
8thThe Last WarLondon UKMegagame MakersWWII

January 2006
21stPirates of YendorLondon UKMegagame MakersFantasy

March 2006
25thOn to Richmond!London UKMegagame MakersACW

May 2006
13thAt Right Angles to RealityLondon UKMegagame MakersFantasy

September 2006
23rdCongress of ViennaLondon UKMegagame MakersNapoleonic

October 2006
14thThe Price of Victory UKMegagame MakersWW1

March 2007
17thFor the Light of the TreesLondon UKMegagame MakersFantasy

June 2007
16thHabsburg AscendantLondon UKMegagame Makers17th C

November 2007
17thSiege of YendorLondon UKMegagame MakersFantasy

March 2008
8thWashington ConferenceLondon UKMegagame Makers20th century

June 2008
7thSengoku SiLondon UKMegagame MakersClassical Japan

September 2008
20thInteresting TimesLondon UKMegagame MakersEarly 20th Century

November 2008
22ndMystery by GaslightLondon UKMegagame MakersVictorian Role-play

March 2009
7thLong Live DeathLondon UKMegagame MakersSpanish Civil War

June 2009
13thCrusade of YendorLondon UKMegagame MakersFantasy

September 2009
12thRenaissance & ReformationLondon UKMegagame Makers16th Century

May 2010
8thWar in the WestDover UKMegagame MakersWW2

September 2010
11thOf Gods and MenLondon UKMegagame MakersGreek Mythology

November 2010
13thCome One and EorlLondon UKMegagame Makers11th Century

March 2011
19thSpanish Ulcer 3London UKMegagame MakersNapoleonic

May 2011
14thOperation GoodwoodLondon UKMegagame MakersWWII

September 2011
17thWashington ConferenceLondon UKMegagame Makers20th century

October 2011
8thOperation Goodwood 2Leeds UKMegagame MakersWW2

November 2011
12thInvasion From Mars!London UKMegagame MakersSF

February 2012
25thMemphis Mangler Memorial gameShrivenham UKMegagame MakersVietnam

March 2012
17thUrban NightmareLondon UKMegagame MakersFantasy

September 2012
15thLost YouthLondon UKMegagame MakersVietnam war

October 2012
20thEnd of the BeginningLondon UKMegagame MakersWWII

November 2012
17thUrban Nightmare 2Leeds UKMegagame MakersFantasy

March 2013
2ndENDGAMELondon UKMegagame MakersWWII

April 2013
13thInvasion From Mars! 2Leeds UKMegagame MakersSF

June 2013
1stCrisis In Binni 3London UKMegagame Makers20th Century

September 2013
21stMaster of Europe IVLondon UKMegagame MakersNapoleonic

October 2013
12thEnd of the Beginning 2Leeds UKMegagame MakersWWII

November 2013
9thAlea Iacta Est IterumLondon UKMegagame MakersAncient

February 2014
15thPrice of Victory 2Leeds UKMegagame MakersWW1

March 2014
8thRenaissance & Reformation 2London UKMegagame Makers16th Century

May 2014
17thWatch The Skies!London UKMegagame Makers21st Century SF

September 2014
20thIron DiceLondon UKMegagame MakersWW1

October 2014
11thOf Gods and Men 2Leeds UKMegagame MakersGreek Mythology

November 2014
1stPlanet of the Damned UKMegagame MakersSF
22ndFuneral Games 2London UKMegagame MakersAncient

March 2015
21stWatch the Skies 2 : Global ConspiracyLondon UKMegagame Makers21st Century SF

April 2015
18thD-Day Dodgers 1Leeds UKMegagame MakersWW2

May 2015
9thA New Age DawnsLondon UKMegagame Makers18th Century

June 2015
13thDon't PanicLondon UKMegagame MakersWW2 Fantasy
27thDon't Panic Too UKMegagame Makersww2 operational

July 2015
11thWatch The Skies 3 : Global ConspiracyLondon UKMegagame Makers21st Century SF

September 2015
12thCity of ShadowsLondon UKMegagame Makers1930s Pulp

October 2015
17thA New Age Dawns 2Leeds UKMegagame Makers18th Century
31stWashington ConferenceLondon UKMegagame Makers20th century

November 2015
14thCome to a KingLondon UKMegagame Makers11th Century
21stInvasion From Mars 3Cardiff UKMegagame MakersSF

March 2016
1stWatch The Skies 4 : Global ApocalypseLondon UKMegagame Makers21st Century SF

May 2016
21st1866 & All ThatLondon UKMegagame Makers19th Century

June 2016
4thGuelphs and GhibellinesLondon UKMegagame MakersMedieval

July 2016
16thThe Spanish RoadLondon UKMegagame Makers17th Century

September 2016
10thNot Over By ChristmasLondon UKMegagame Makers20th Century

November 2016
12thEverybody DiesLondon UKMegagame MakersFantasy

December 2016
3rdAllianceHouston TX USAMyMegaGames
3rdWatch the SkiesBournemouth UKSouth West Megagames
3rdWatch the SkiesBrooklyn NY USAMegagame Society
3rdWatch the SkiesMontreal CanadaMegagame Montreal
3rdWorld Turned Upside DownSmithtown NY USAIronmark GamesAmerican War of Independence
10thThe Galactic ThroneDundee UKInner Space Games
15thFolkestone NightmareFolkestone UKFolkestone Megagames
17thWatch the SkiesOttawa CanadaOttawa Megagames

January 2017
1stCubespiel:1914-1918Manchester UKPennine Megagames
1stPirate RepublicAustin TX USAMegagame Texas
7thAegons ConquestWest River MD USADefy Danger
14thWatch the SkiesSan Pedro CA USAMegagames SoCal
21stColossus of AtlantisWellington New ZealandDillon BurkeKapcon 2017
21stThe Iron SeaCanberra AustraliaLive Action Simulation
21stWatch the SkiesAustin TX USAMegagame Texas
21stWatch the SkiesTampa FL USAMegagame Society CFL
28thCrisis in BritanniaBristol UKSouth West Megagames
28thNight FallsHudson OH USABKGameDesignGround Hog Game Day
28thWatch the SkiesMiamisburg OH USAThe Ohio Gaming Brigade
28thWatch the Skies:MillenniumChicago IL USAChicago Megagames
29thWatch the SkiesAmersfoort NetherlandsWTS Amersfoort

February 2017
4thA Very British Civil War - Midlands Strikes BackSheffield UKPennine Megagames
5thWorld Turned Upside DownWarwick RI USAIronmark GamesCaptainCon
11thSomething's Up in BinniMontreal CanadaRex Brynen / McGill
25thNight FallsCleveland OH USAWeird Realms
25thUrban NightmareGothenburg Sweden
25thUrban Nightmare 2Premesques FranceMegagames France

March 2017
4thAftermathCardiff UKDragon Megagames
4thUrban NightmareOttowa Canada
4thWatch the SkiesOrange City FL USAUniversity High School
5thA Very British Civil WarMakati PhillipinesLudo
11thWatch the SkiesElkridge MD USAMaryland Megagames
12thWorld Turned Upside DownBoston MA USAIronmark GamesPAX East
18thDivided LandMalmo SwedenGameMakers Malmo
18thWatch the SkiesAustin TX USAMegagame Texas
19thWatch the SkiesCologne GermanyRiesenspiel KolnPlayed in German
25thWatch the SkiesRegina CanadaSask Games
25thWatch the SkiesSwindon UKSouth West Megagames
26thWatch the SkiesGreat Meadows NJ USA

April 2017
2ndWatch the SkiesVancouver CanadaWatch the Skies: BCTrumpeter Salute 2017
8thFoxes and DevilsLondon UKMegagame Makers
8thNous ne Sommes Pas SeulsMontreal CanadaMegagame Montreal
8thWatch the Skies MinneapolisMinneapolis MN USAMinnesota Megagames
15thWatch the SkiesColumbus OH USABoard to Death
15thWatch the SkiesGothenburg SwedenGameMakers MalmoGothcon
15thWatch the SkiesPremesques FranceMegagames France
22ndEverybody Dies HarderManchester UKPennine Megagames
22ndWatch the SkiesChicago IL USAChicago Megagames
29thWatch the SkiesReading UKSouth West Megagames
30thImperial AmbitionsMahopac NY USA

May 2017
6thWatch the SkiesBuenos Aires ArgentinaMegajuegos Argentina
13thCity of ShadowsLondon UKMegagame Makers
13thRevolucionChicago IL USAChicago Megagames
13thWatch the SkiesAustin TX USAMegagame Texas
13thWatch the SkiesDayton OH USAOhio Gaming Brigade
14thWatch the SkiesBrighton UKBrighton Pub Boardgamers
20thAlways a Catch: A Museum MegagameAnstruther UKOz MillsFestival of Museums
20thFrench Invasion of Ireland 1796Leeds UKPennine Megagames
20thWatch the SkiesTampa FL USAGrey Squirrel Games
27thOperation GoodwoodBraunfels GermanyMegagame makers NL
27thWatch the Skies: a Corporate ConspiracyCambridge UKCrisis Games
27thWatch the Skies: Global MeltdownGeelong AustraliaPulp Megagames

June 2017
3rdAquila RiftWellington New ZealandHousewarWellycon
3rdBarricades and BordersLondon UKMegagame Makers
4thWatch the SkiesCrediton UKKirton Games
10thWatch the SkiesToronto CanadaExploding Zebra
15thWatch the SkiesColumbus OH USAOhio Gaming BrigadeOrigins
16thNight FallsColumbus OH USABK Game DesignOrigins
17thUrban NightmareVancouver CanadaReal Entertainment
17thWatch the SkiesColumbus OH USAOhio Gaming BrigadeOrigins
24thHeistChicago USAChicago Megagames
24thWatch the Skies - DC VersionWashington DC USANoah and Vanessa Crow

July 2017
1stUrban Nightmare: State of ChaosAustin TX USAMegagame TexasWide Area Megagame
1stUrban Nightmare: State of ChaosBirmingham UKPennine MegagamesWide Area Megagame
1stUrban Nightmare: State of ChaosBristol UKSouth West MegagamesWide Area Megagame
1stUrban Nightmare: State of ChaosBrussels BelgiumMegagame Makers BelgiumWide Area Megagame
1stUrban Nightmare: State of ChaosCambridge UKCrisis GamesWide Area Megagame
1stUrban Nightmare: State of ChaosLeeds UKPennine MegagamesWide Area Megagame
1stUrban Nightmare: State of ChaosLondon UKMegagame MakersWide Area Megagame
1stUrban Nightmare: State of ChaosMontreal CanadaPAXsimsWide Area Megagame
1stUrban Nightmare: State of ChaosNijmegen NetherlandsMegagame Makers NLWide Area Megagame
1stUrban Nightmare: State of ChaosSmithtown NY USAIronmark GamesWide Area Megagame
1stUrban Nightmare: State of ChaosSouthampton UKDiversionary GamesWide Area Megagame
6thWatch the SkiesOrlando FL USAGrey Squirrel GamesDice Tower Con 2017
7thDragon ThronesPhiladelphia PA USAThe Game Theatre3- day event (7th to 9th)
8thWatch the SkiesTacoma WA USANW Gaming Center
15thNight FallsIndependence OH USABK Game Design
17thUrban Nightmare: State of ChaosLondon UKMegagame MakersFantasy game
22ndAegon's ConquestWest River MD USADefy Danger
22ndWatch the SkiesOrono ME USAThe House of Meeples

August 2017
12thCrisis in BrittaniaOxford UKSouth West Megagames
17thAlliance Last DaysIndianapolis IN USAMegagames CoalitionGen Con 50 (Shaun McMillan)
17thColossus of AtlantisIndianapolis IN USAMegagames CoalitionGen Con 50 (Housewar New Zealand)
18thKaiju CrisisIndianapolis IN USAMegagames CoalitionGen Con 50 (Ohio Gaming Brigade)
19thPirate RepublicManchester UKPennine Megagames
19thWatch the SkiesIndianapolis IN USAMegagames CoalitionGen Con 50 (Grey Squirrel Games)
19thWorld Turned Upside DownIndianapolis IN USAMegagames CoalitionGen Con 50 (Ironmark Games)
20thMy Kind of TownIndianapolis IN USAMegagames CoalitionGen Con 50 (Chicago Megagames)
26thWatch the SkiesDundee UKMegagames Dundee

September 2017
2ndCrisis in ElysiumLondon UKMegagame Makers
5thDire StraitsLondon UKJim Wallman/ Rex BrynenConnections UK
9thWatch the SkiesBuenos Aires ArgentinaMegajuegos Argentina
17thAegon's ConquestGen Burnie USADefy Danger
23rdStill Not Over by ChristmasSheffield UKPennine Megagames
24thColossus of AtlantisSeattle WA USASeattle Megagames
30thUrban Nightmare:State of ChaosCambridge UKCambridge Megagamesmini-Megagame
30thWatch the SkiesAustin TX USAMegagame Texas
30thWatch the SkiesSan Diego CA USAPuzzalarium Games

October 2017
6thColossus of AtlantisVancouver CanadaSeattle MegaGamesat SHUX 2017 (https://www.shutupandsitdown.com/shux2017/)
7thA World DividedSwindon UKSouth West Megagames
7thWatch the SkiesVancouver CanadaSeattle MegaGamesat SHUX 2017 (https://www.shutupandsitdown.com/shux2017/)
8thAge of FlintVancouver CanadaSeattle MegaGamesat SHUX 2017 (https://www.shutupandsitdown.com/shux2017/)
14thCrisis in BinniBrussels BelgiumMegagames BE
21stRed Dawn?London UKMegagame Makers
21stTrusselen 2Oslo NorwayMegagame Oslo
21stWorld Turned Upside DownAbington MA USABattleground Games & Hobbies
22ndLondon the MegagamePreston UKDice & Donuts
23rdNight FallsRaleigh NC USA10th Dimension Gamesdevelopment by BKGameDesign
28thWatch the Skies 3.0Stockholm SwedenGameMakers Malmo

November 2017
4thExterminator WarCambridge UKCambridge Megagames
4thWatch the SkiesFalls Church VA USA10th Dimension Games
4thWatch the SkiesWinnipeg CanadaManitoba MegaGames
5thFuture TenseNew York NY USALiveware Lab
11thNight FallsRichfield OH USABK Game Designat Corn on the Cob
12thImperial Ambition IIMahopac NY USAWargamer Fritz
17thWorld Turned Upside DownPhiladelphia PA USAIronmark GamesPAX Unplugged
18thFuture TensePhiladelphia PA USALiveware LabPAX Unplugged
18thUndeniable VictoryLondon UKMegagame Makers
18thWatch the SkiesOttowa CanadaCarleton Tabletop Games
25thThe Last RomansManchester UKPennine Megagames
25thWatch the SkiesPenryn UKFXU / Adam Taylor
26thHow Far Will You Go for RomeAberdeen UKR Weir, G Mudie and S Jackdle

December 2017
2ndUrban Nightmare: OuisconsinCheltenham UKSouth West Megagames
2ndWatch the SkiesFargo ND USAPrairie Fire Gaming
3rdWatch the SkiesDenver CO USASky Park Games
9thNight FallsParma OH USABK Game Designat Holiday Game Bash
10thWatch the SkiesTetange LuxembourgMegagames Luxembourg

January 2018
6thOrdre et ChaosPresmesques FranceMegagames France
12thDragon ThronesPhiladelphie PA USAThe Game Theatre3-day event LARP / Megagame
13thWatch the SkiesSacramento CA USAWest Coast Megagames Ca
20thThe Galaxy Will BurnWellington New ZealandDillon Burkeat Kapcon
20thWatch the SkiesBurnaby, Vancouver CanadaREAL Entertainment
21stAfter ArmageddonManchester UKPicklesmini, Megagame type game for 10-20
27thCrisis in ElysiumBristol UKSouth West Megagames
27thDivided LandStockholm SwedenGameMakers Malmo
27thFreedom of UrrNijmegen NetherlandsMegagame Makers NL
27thNight FallsHudson OH USABK Game Designat GHD Game Day
28thFuture TenseNew York NY USALiveware Lab

February 2018
3rdFraying Threads: The EpidemicRedditch UKThe Great Indoorsby Paul Howarth
4thUrban NightmareVancouver CanadaREAL Entertainment
17thAge of TomorrowRaleigh NC USA10th Dimension Gamesat Playthrough con
17thCockroaches, Copper and CowsManchester UKPennine Megagames
17thWatch the SkiesGothenburg SwedenGothenburg Megagames
18thAge of TomorrowRaleigh NC USA10th Dimension Gamesat Playthrough con
24thA World DividedLondon UKHorizon Megagames
24thGod EmperorAustin TX USAMegagame Texas
24thOperation SealionBlackheath, New South Wales AustraliaOperation Sealionat EttinCon ( EttinCon.org )
25thDire StraitsMontreal CanadaMcGill

March 2018
3rdColony MarsCambridge UKCambridge Megagames
3rdExterminator WarsDundee UKMegagames Dundee
3rdWatch the SkiesBoonton NJ USAHighlander Games
3rdWatch the SkiesMadison WI USARyan Freeberg and Ryan Liebherr
4thWatch the SkiesTampa FL USAGrey Squirrel Games
17thWatch the SkiesLondon UKHorizon Megagames
18thWatch the SkiesBurnaby CanadaWatch the Skies:British ColumbiaTrumpeters Salute
23rdWorld of ConflictNipawin CanadaNipawin Alliance Church
24thDe Bello GallicaHaren, Brussels BelgiumMegagames BE
24thTrusselenOslo NorwayMegagame Oslo
24thUrban Nightmare: OuisconsinReading UKSouth West Megagames
28thWatch the SkiesPerth AustraliaUWA Politics Club
30thWatch the SkiesRamstein-Miesenbach Germany86th Force Support Squadronfor ages 13-18
31stWatch the SkiesGothenburg SwedenGothenburg Megagamesat Gothcon

April 2018
1stWatch the SkiesEdinburgh UKStone Paper ScissorsEdinburgh International Science Festival
5thWatch the SkiesBoston MA USAMegagame Societyat PAX East
7thAge of FlintSeattle USASeattle Megagames
14thDen of WolvesBristol UKSouth West Megagames
14thWatch the SkiesColumbus OH USABoard to Death
21stDivided LandLondon UKMegagame Makers
21stSworn to ServeMinneanapolis MN USAMinnesota Megagames
21stWatch the SkiesTempe AZ USAArizona Game Fairwith West Coast Megagames
28thExterminator WarDundee UKScottish Megagames
28thThe Shot Heard Round the UniverseLeeds UKPennine Megagames

May 2018
5thColossus of AtlantisVancouver CanadaREAL Entertainment
5thCrisis in ElysiumGothenburg SwedenGothenburg Megagames
12thAftermathRegina CanadaSask Gamesat Play With Your Food
12thGod's sake Nelly, why didn't you marry him?Braunfels GermanyMegagame Makers NLat GHS Hexacon
19thA Very British Civil WarLondon UKMegagame Makers
19thGod EmperorAustin TX USAMegagame Texas
19thWatch the SkiesNew York NY USAThe Game Theatre
19thWatch the SkiesSchenectady NY USAUpper NY Megagames
26thArrivalCambridge UKCrisis Games
27thUrban NightmareNorwich UKNorfolk and Norwich Mill Libraryat Norwich Gaming Fair

June 2018
2ndSengokuSan Francisco CA USAWest Coast Megagames
2ndWatch the SkiesJohannesburg S AfricaMegaGames SA
2ndWatch the SkiesWellington New ZealandWellington Megagame Collectiveat Wellycon
3rdHenchmenMumbai IndiaKaran Rawat
3rdLondon: The MegagameBirmingham UKJames NelsonUK Games Expo
9thGod EmperorGeelong AustraliaPulp Megagames
16thBlood and ThunderLondon UKMegagame Makers
16thNight FallsColumbus OH USABK Game Designat Origins
16thNous ne sommes pas seuls 5Montreal CanadaMegagame Montreal
16thThe World Turned Upside DownNew York NY USANo Proscenium
23rdFall BlauSheffield UKPennine Megagames
24thAegon's ConquestGlen Burnie MD USADefy Danger
24thWatch the SkiesLviv UkraineDmytriy Smirnov
30thWashington ConferenceLondon UKDave Boundycelebration invite event - full

July 2018
6thDragon ThronesPhiladelphia PA USAThe Game Theatre3-day event. LARP / Megagame
7thDen of WolvesBournemouth UKSouth West Megagames
14thGod EmperorAustin TX USAMegagame Texas
28thMegamundaManchester UKPennine Megagames

August 2018
2ndMy Kind of TownIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
2ndWatch the SkiesIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
3rdSengokuIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
3rdSurvival SystemIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
4thA Very British CoupCambridge UKCambridge Megagames
4thNight FallsIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
4thSworn to ServeIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
4thWatch the SkiesIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
5thEarth-AscendantSan Diego CA USAPuzzalarium
11thWatch the SkiesSeattle WA USASeattle Megagames
18thInfinite HorizonsLondon UKHorizon Megagames
19thWatch the SkiesLancaster UKConnor Ormerod
25thUrban Nightmare: OuisconsinSwindon UKSouth West Megagames
25thWatch the SkiesSaskatoon SK CanadaAll Over the BoardCharity Fundraiser

September 2018
1stEverybody Dies IIILeeds UKPennine Megagames
8thA Very British CoupCroydon UKCroydon Central CLP
8thUrban NightmareAustin TX USAMegagame Texas
8thWatch the SkiesGothenburg SwedenGothenburg Megagames
15thHands of the ManyLondon UKMegagame Makers
20thLost YouthPiana delle Orme ItalyAndrea Morviducci20th and 21st at Gioco & Storia 2018
21stAllianceDaedun South KoreaShaun McMillanFriday to Saturday
22ndBring Them HomeSheffield UKTreehouse11-2 or 3-6
22ndWatch the SkiesTrollhattan SwedenGothenburg Megagameswith Spel i Väst
22ndWTS 2nd sightBristol UKSouth West Megagames
23rdA Very British CoupLiverpool UKRichard Barbrook
23rdBring Them HomeSheffield UKTreehouse10-1 or 2-5
29thFrontier SpaceBournemouth UKCrisis GamesArts by the Sea fringe event
29thGod Wills It: Deus VultStockholm SwedenTerry Martin
29thWatch the Skies 2018Toronto CanadaExploding Zebra

October 2018
6thMirrorshadesLondon UKHorizon Megagames
6thUrban NightmareOmaha NE USANuke Con
12thWatch the SkiesVancouver CanadaSeattle Megagamesat SHUX
13thDen of WolvesGothenburg SwedenGothenburg Megagames
13thDen of WolvesReading UKSouth West Megagames
13thHeirs of a Shattered AgeVancouver CanadaSeattle Megagamesat SHUX. 3 hours; start 9:30, 11:30, 1:30, 3:30
14thAge of FlintVancouver CanadaSeattle Megagamesat SHUX
14thColossus of AtlantisVancouver CanadaSeattle Megagamesat SHUX
20thCrisis in ElysiumOslo NorwayMegagame Oslo
20thGod Wills It: Deus VultLondon UKMegagame Makers
27thCzech Mate '38Sheffield UKStory Living Games

November 2018
3rdLong Live the KingElkridge MD USAMaryland Megagames
4thSector 37: Brave New WorldsIndependence MO USAHybrid Vigor StudiosMidwest GameFest
10thArrivalReading UKCrisis Games
10thDen of WolvesCheltenham UKSouth West Megagames
10thPirate RepublicAustin TX USAMegagame Texas
10thWatch the SkiesUppsala SwedenUppsala Megagames
15thHands of the ManyLondon UKMegagame Makers
17thWar to End WarLondon UKMegagame Makers
24thJuntasManchester UKPennine Megagames
24thUrban Nightmare State of ChaosGothenburg SwedenGothenburg Megagames
25thSengokuOsnabruck GermanyRubicon e.V. Osnabrück
28thEntrustedManchester UKHealth e-Research Centre2-day event

December 2018
1stCity of the DevilLondon UKMegagame Makers
1stFuture TensePhiladelphia PA USAPAX Unplugged
1stSovereign SunsSeattle USASeattle Megagames
9thWatch the SkiesErie PA USALake Erie MegaGames
12thThe Red DragonBirmingham UKUoB TTG and Ben Shaw

January 2019
19thAegon's ConquestSilver Spring MD USAFlying V
19thInfinite HorizonsBristol UKSW Megagames
26thDungeons of YendorLondon UKHorizon Megagames

February 2019
2ndAegon's ConquesToronto CanadaDefy Danger
2ndDen of WolvesTrollhättan SwedenGothenburg Megagames
3rdLa Conquête d'AegonParis(Montreuil) FranceEmmanuel ManurAegon's Conquest in French
9thFrom WithinCaerphilly UKHexheart Games
9thLong Live Death 2London UKMegagame Makers
15thSickleMinneapolis MN USAMinnesota MegagamesCon of the North
16thEuropa UniversalisGothenburg SwedenGothenburg Megagames
17thApocalypse NorthMontreal CanadaMcGill
17thDraft NightMinneapolis MN USAMinnesota Megagamesat Con of the North
20thBring Them HomeLondon UKTreehousefrom 20 Feb to 3 March at Vault Festival
23rdDen of WolvesWellington New ZealandHousewar
23rdEuropa UniversalisOslo NorwayMegagame Oslo
23rdRebel CountryDundee UKMegagames Dundee

March 2019
2ndDen of WolvesLondon UKHorizon Megagames
2ndEuropa UniversalisOslo NorwayMegagame Oslo
9thAegon's ConquestPlano TX USADallasMegaGames
9thWatch the SkiesOttawa CanadaOttawa Megagames
9thWatch the Skies: Second SightCardiff UKSW Megagames
16thBuccaneerSheffield UKPennine Megagamesprovisional date
16thWatch the SkiesMontreat NC USADisorganized Play
16thWatch the SkiesToronto Canadaat Breakout 2019
23rdDe Bello Gallico IIINijmegen NetherlandsMegagame Makers NL
23rdWatch the Skies-Second SightBournemouth UKSW Megagames
24thDie Eroberung des ThronsOsnabruck GermanyRubicon e.V. Osnabrück
30thLights in the Sky: Berlin WallCarlisle UKTrue North Megagames

April 2019
7thBrave New WorldsKansas City KS USAHybrid Vigor Studios
7thCockroaches, Copper and CowsLondon UKMegagame Makers
13thCrown WarsSt Louis MO USABob Engert
13thEntente! A Political Waltz in 19/14 TimeMinneanapolis MN USAMinnesota Megagamesevent for Yelling for History Club
13thMirrorshades 2London UKHorizon Megagames
13thUrban NightmareHastings MI USAThe Gaming Keep
20thRokugan GoSydney Australiaat Eyecon
20thWatch the SkiesGothenburg SwedenGothenburg Megagamesat Gothcon
27thDen of WolvesLondon UKHorizon Megagames
27ththe Fire DiesSydney AustraliaSydney Megagamers

May 2019
11thDen of WolvesOxford UKSouth West Megagames
11thHeavy ReignAustin TX USAMegagame Texaspreviously God Emperor
18thTrope HighLeeds UKPennine Megagames
25thConvergenceUppsala SwedenUppsala Megagames
25thRelics of the FallReading UKReading Megagames
31stWatch the Skies: OutbreakBirmingham UKStory Living Games

June 2019
1stAge of FlintSeattle USASeattle Megagames
1stClash of TitansBraunfels GermanyMegagame Makers NLat XXXIII. GHS Hexacon
1stUrban Nightmare State of Chaos,Edmonton CanadaEdmonton Game Spiel
2ndWatch the Skies LiteEdmonton CanadaEdmonton Game Spiel
2ndWatch the Skies: Second SightBirmingham UKHorizon Megagames and SW Megagamesat UKGE
8thSickleFargo ND USAPrairie Fire Gaming
8thThe Dancing CongressLondon UKMegagame Makers
15thDen of WolvesOttawa CanadaOttawa MegaGames
15thDen of WolvesOttowa CanadaOttawa MegaGames
15thDen of WolvesZurich SwitzerlandZurich Megagames
19thWatch the SkiesWarwick UKWarwick Tabletop Games
22ndCubespiel 1914-1918Manchester UKPennine Megagames
23rdLa Conquete d'AegonParis(Montreuil) FranceMegagames Paris
28thWatch the Sky'sNewark UKWild Ways
29thA World DividedBristol UKSouth West Megagames
29thNous ne sommes pas seulsMontreal CanadaMegagame Montreal

July 2019
13thDen of WolvesBridgeport IL USAChicago Megagames
13thWatch the Skies: Second SightReading UKSouth West Megagames
20thWatch the Skies: Second SightSutton-in-Ashfield UKSouth West Megagames
21stWe are not AloneBrisbane AustraliaBrisbane Megagames

August 2019
1stDen of WolvesIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
1stWatch the SkiesIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
2ndDeephavenIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
2ndDragon ThronesIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
2ndHeavy ReignIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
3rdAllianceIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
3rdBy Coin and DaggerIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
3rdNew World Order 2035London (Anerley) UKMegagame Makers
3rdSicklesIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
3rdSurvival SystemIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
4thDen of WolvesIndianapolis IN USAMegagame CoalitionGen Con
17thWatch the SkiesSeattle USASeattle MegagamesDragonflight Gamecon 40
24thDen of WolvesAarlsborg DenmarkAarlborg Megagames
24thWatch the SkiesMelbourne AustraliaMelbourne Megagames
26thNew World Order 2035Lillehammer NorwayNTNU
31stKingdom of SeasonsGlasgow UKTrue North Megagames

September 2019
14thEvent HorizonLondon UKHorizon Megagames
15thDen of WolvesSutton-in-Ashfield UKSouth West Megagames
15thWatch the SkiesAtlanta GA USAATL D&D
21stHold the Line 39Sheffield UKPennine Megagames
28thDen of WolvesCardiff UKSouth West Megagames
28thGod EmperorColumbus OH USABoard 2 Death
28thMirrorshadesGothenburg SwedenGothenburg Megagames

October 2019
4thDen of WolvesVancouver Canada-at SHUX 2019
4thSickleVancouver Canada-at SHUX 2019
5thBy the Grace of GodLondon (Anerley) UKMegagame Makers
5thDeephavenVancouver Canada-at SHUX 2019
5thEuropa UniversalisTrollhatten SwedenGothenburg MegagamesSpelovast
5thFor the CrownSydney AustraliaSydney Megagamers
5thSworn to ServeVancouver Canada-at SHUX 2019
6thLights in the SkyVancouver Canada-at SHUX 2019
6thUndeniable VictoryOttawa CanadaOttawa Megagames
6thUndeniable VictoryOttowa CanadaOttawa Megagames
12thRelics of the FallCambridge UKCambridge Megagames
12thSynergiaMinneapolis MN USAYelling for History Club
13thAegon's ConquestBrighton UKSimon Appleton
18thBring Them HomeNewcastle UKTreehouse18th, 19th, 20th
19thSugar and SeditionBristol UKSouth West Megagames
20thClimate CrisisCambridge UKCambridge Megagames
20thWatch the SkiesParis (Montreuil) FranceMegagames Paris
26thMonsterville MansionLondon UKHorizon Megagames
26thSo Say we AllSydney AustraliaSydney Megagames
27thAegon's ConquestAlpharetta GA USAMegagame Georgiaat Atlanta Game Fest
27thSpectrumLondon UKEMF

November 2019
2ndEvent HorizonGothenburg SwedenGothenburg Megagames
2ndThe Shot Heard Around the UniverseReading UKReading Megagames
3rdVigilen los CielosBuenos Aires ArgentinaMegaJuegos Argentina
9thDen of WolvesSouthampton UKSouth West Megagames
16thFrom WithinCardiff UKHexheart Games
16thWho will Watch ThemManchester UKPennine Megagames
17thTerra GalactisLoughborough UKLSU Tabletop Games Society
22ndDen of WolvesAnn Arbor MI USAMichigan Megagamesat U-con
23rdDen of WolvesAustin TX USAMegagame Texas
23rdEverybody DiesTrollhattan SwedenSpel i Vast
23rdIt Belongs in a MuseumNewcastle UKTrue North Megagames
23rdUrban Nightmare: London CallingLondon UKHorizon Megagames
24thClimate CrisisCambridge UKCambridge Megagames
24thDen of WolvesOsnabruck GermanyRubicon Osnabruck
30thDen of WolvesOslo NorwayMegagame Oslo
30thFuneral Games 3London (Anerley) UKMegagame Makers

December 2019
7thWatch the SkiesZurich SwitzerlandZurich Megagames
14thCrisis in ElysiumGothenburg SwedenGothenburg Megagames
14thWatch the SkiesGarland TX USADallas Mega Games

January 2020
11thInfinite HorizonsBristol UKSouth West Megagames
18thThe Dancing CongressStockholm SwedenGameMakers Malmo
19thAegon's ConquestEdmonton CanadaTable Top Cafe
24thDen of WolvesMinneapolis MN USAMinnesota Megagames
25thDen of WolvesMinneapolis MN USAMinnesota Megagames
25thUrban Nightmare: London CallingReading UKReading Megagames

February 2020
8thDen of WolvesSwindon UKSouth West Megagames
15thDen of WolvesEdinburgh UKTrue North Megagames
16thAtlantic RimMontreal CanadaRex Brynen and McGill
22ndBad Moon RisingLondon (Anerley) UKMegagame Makers
22ndWatch the SkiesBergen NorwayMegagame Bergen
29thAegon's ConquestDallas TX USADallas Mega Games
29thCrisis in ElysiumLondon UKHorizon Megagames

March 2020
7thApocalypse NorthOttawa CanadaOttawa MegaGames
7thApocalypse NorthOttowa CanadaOttawa Megagames
21stDen of WolvesGothenburg SwedenGothenburg Megagames
21stIt Belongs in a MuseumMelbourne AustraliaMelbourne Megagames
22ndWatch the SkiesToronto CanadaOttawa Megagames/Breakout ConCANCELLED DUE TO PANDEMIC

October 2021
16thThe Real Heroes?London UKMegagame Makers

November 2021
6thWashington ConferenceLondon UKMegagame Makerscentennial

March 2022
26thWatch the SkiesLouisville KY USADukes of Highland

May 2022
14thLace WarsLondon UKMegagame Makers

September 2023
2ndDEUS VULT 2Malmo SwedenTerry Martin

This list was created by information from organisations around the globe and by trawling the web. It is an archive of events that have appeared in the Community Planned Events plus the database of events organised by Megagame Makers