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The Last Emperor of Mexico

by Johan Soh Olofsson

24 May 2025

Anerley Town Hall

Game fee is £35.00

1861. Mexico is falling into civil war between a progressive President, reactionary land owners, and bandit-generals. The French have taken the opportunity to appoint their own Emperor of Mexico, Maximilian von Habsburg, and impose him on all parties. What could possibly go wrong?


Game Designs

Jim Wallman
1st January 1987Blood and ThunderCamberley Staff College
1st January 1988Operation Market GardenCamberley Staff College
1st January 1989Final FrontierBeckenham
1st December 1989Final Frontier 2Beckenham
1st November 1990Final Frontier 3Westminster School, Victoria
1st January 1991Blood and Thunder 2Tooting Leisure Centre
1st December 1991Final Frontier 4Riggindale Church Hall
1st January 1992Hawks of the SeasChestnut Lodge
8th February 1992Star Jihad (FF5)Riggindale Church Hall
11th July 1992BerserkerRiggindale Church Hall
7th November 1992Berserker 2Riggindale Church Hall
1st January 1993Serenity StationEardley School - Streatham
16th January 1993First Contact(FF6)Riggindale Church Hall
13th February 1993Crisis in BrittaniaChestnut Lodge
15th May 1993Land of the GodsChestnut Lodge
12th June 1993Final Frontier 1.1Riggindale Church Hall
24th July 1993Outer WorldsChestnut Lodge
25th September 1993Operation Market Garden 2Camberley Staff College
23rd October 1993Tranquility StationRiggindale Church Hall
27th November 1993Fire and SteelRiggindale Church Hall
11th December 1993Pax BrittanicaChestnut Lodge
26th February 1994Assault on Warlock MountainRiggindale Church Hall
7th May 1994SengokuChestnut Lodge
11th June 1994Death of FascismCamberley Staff College
24th September 1994Return to Warlock MountainRiggindale Church Hall
17th June 1995Death of Fascism 2Camberley Staff College
10th February 1996Sengoku NiEardley School - Streatham
27th July 1996Cruel VoidEardley School - Streatham
8th November 1996Return to YendorEardley School - Streatham
12th July 1997Cruel Void 2Eardley School - Streatham
6th December 1997Yendor TriumphantEardley School - Streatham
14th February 1998Crisis in BinniEardley School - Streatham
14th November 1998Berserker 0101Eardley School - Streatham
11th March 2000Sengoku SanEardley School - Streatham
9th June 2001Another Crisis in BinniEardley School - Streatham
16th March 2002Prosperity StationUniversity College London, Warren Street.
19th October 2002Crisis in BritanniaEardley School - Streatham
19th October 2002Crisis in BritanniaUniversity College London, Warren Street.
3rd April 2004Operation Market GardenNijmegen
19th March 2005Quadrant ZeroAnerley Town Hall
8th October 2005The Last WarHMS President, London
21st January 2006Pirates of YendorAnerley Town Hall
17th November 2007Siege of YendorAnerley Town Hall
7th June 2008Sengoku SiHMS Belfast, Central London
8th May 2010War in the WestDover (DoY Military School)
14th May 2011Operation GoodwoodAnerley Town Hall
8th October 2011Operation Goodwood 2Royal Armouries, Leeds
12th November 2011Invasion From Mars!Anerley Town Hall
25th February 2012Memphis Mangler Memorial gameDefence Capability Centre
17th March 2012Urban NightmareAnerley Town Hall
15th September 2012Lost YouthAnerley Town Hall
17th November 2012Urban Nightmare 2Royal Armouries, Leeds
13th April 2013Invasion From Mars! 2Royal Armouries, Leeds
1st June 2013Crisis In Binni 3Anerley Town Hall
17th May 2014Watch The Skies!Anerley Town Hall
1st November 2014Planet of the DamnedWarwick University
21st March 2015Watch the Skies 2 : Global ConspiracyAnerley Town Hall
13th June 2015Don't PanicAnerley Town Hall
27th June 2015Don't Panic Tootba
11th July 2015Watch The Skies 3 : Global ConspiracyCamden Centre
21st November 2015Invasion From Mars 3Wales Millenium Centre
1st March 2016Watch The Skies 4 : Global ApocalypseCamden Centre
17th July 2017Urban Nightmare: State of ChaosSwan Wharf
16th June 2018Blood & Thunder 4Swan Wharf
3rd August 2019New World Order 2035Anerley Town Hall
22nd February 2020Bad Moon RisingAnerley Town Hall

Brian Cameron & Jim Wallman
13th June 1992Master of EuropeChestnut Lodge
5th December 1992Master of Europe 2Chestnut Lodge
20th February 1993Starship TrooperRiggindale Church Hall
28th January 1995Send a GunboatEardley School - Streatham
1st January 1996Send a Gunboat 2Eardley School - Streatham
14th June 1997AD69Eardley School - Streatham
7th March 2009Master of Europe IIIAnerley Town Hall
13th June 2009Crusade of YendorAnerley Town Hall
21st September 2013Master of Europe IVAnerley Town Hall
12th September 2015City of ShadowsAnerley Town Hall
13th May 2017Cityof Shadows 2Anerley Town Hall

Brian Cameron, Richard Hands and Jim Wallman
13th May 2006At Right Angles to RealityAnerley Town Hall

Rob Cooper & Jim Wallman
2nd March 2013ENDGAMEAnerley Town Hall
18th April 2015D-Day Dodgers 1Royal Armouries, Leeds

Brian Cameron and Jim Wallman (adapted by a team from Megagame Makers)
10th June 2023Master of EuropeAnerley Town Hall

Dave Boundy and Jim Wallman
15th February 2014Price of Victory 2Royal Armouries, Leeds

Jim Wallman, Terry Martin, Andy Grainger, Graham Atfield, Peter Howland & Brian Cameron
12th May 1990Springtime for HitlerWestminster School, Victoria

Jim Wallman & John Rutherford
14th October 2000Ursa MajorEardley School - Streatham