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The Last Emperor of Mexico

by Johan Soh Olofsson

24 May 2025

Anerley Town Hall

Game fee is £35.00

1861. Mexico is falling into civil war between a progressive President, reactionary land owners, and bandit-generals. The French have taken the opportunity to appoint their own Emperor of Mexico, Maximilian von Habsburg, and impose him on all parties. What could possibly go wrong?


I came to Megagames mainly from early RPGs, particularly AD&D (or, as I guess it would be known now, 1st edition). Even before that, I was introduced to Diplomacy in the office where I worked and can vividly remember the person who then worked for me restricting his communication with me to a few grunts for several days after I stabbed him in the back.

Diplomacy led to board games, military boardgaming and AD&D, then to figure gaming and Megagames.I heard of Megagames at the annual Salute convention. My first Megagame was a game by Andy Grainger about Operation Crusader in the WW2 desert campaign. Despite knowing nothing about Megagames and insufficient about the period, I was an air umpire.

Game Designs

Dave Boundy and Brian Cameron
20th September 2008Interesting TimesAnerley Town Hall

Andy Grainger and Dave Boundy
14th October 2006The Price of VictorySt. Olave's School Orpington

Dave Boundy and Jim Wallman
15th February 2014Price of Victory 2Royal Armouries, Leeds

Dave Boundy
24th February 2001Washington ConferenceEardley School - Streatham
8th March 2008Washington ConferenceAnerley Town Hall
17th September 2011Washington ConferenceAnerley Town Hall
31st October 2015Washington ConferenceAnerley Methodist Church Hall
6th November 2021Washington Conference CentennialAnerley Town Hall
23rd November 2024Two Brush StrokesAnerley Town Hall